Study Shows 63% of Americans 70 and Older Have Hearing Loss; Only 20% Use Hearing Aids March 1, 2011 — Almost two out of three U.S. adults age 70 or older have significant hearing loss, according to a new study. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University say that 63% of 717 participants age 70 and over in their study had hearing
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Audiology & Ear Doctors
Audiology and Ear Doctors Audiology is the study of hearing and its disorders. While an ear, nose and throat doctor (also known as an otolaryngologist or an ENT) may diagnose many ear problems and disorders, it is an audiologist who performs hearing exams, administers hearing tests, and prescribes assistive technologies such as hearing aids and cochlear implants. WHAT IS AN
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Hearing Aids
Hearing Aids The most well-known treatment available to those suffering from hearing loss is the hearing aid. Hearing aids come in multiple kinds both digital and wireless, to be worn either inside or outside of the ear. Companies such as Phonak, Oticon, Widex, and ReSound manufacture a variety of hearing aid models, which allows audiologists to match individual patients with
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Tinnitus Tinnitus, or “ringing of the ears,” is an auditory symptom experienced by millions that can develop from a vast number of causes – everything from inner-ear infections to the natural process of aging. Tinnitus is generally accompanied by some degree of hearing loss, often making tinnitus treatment a multi-faceted approach to hearing aid and therapy. WHAT IS TINNITUS? Tinnitus
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Cochlear Implants
Cochlear Implants A cochlear implant is an assistive auditory device designed specifically for those who are profoundly deaf or suffer from severely impaired hearing. Sometimes referred to as a “bionic ear,” this specialized type of hearing aid works by transmitting collected sounds from an external microphone to a surgically implanted receiver, and then to the cochlea and inner-ear via a
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Ear Plugs & Hearing Protection
Ear Plugs and Hearing Protection Ear plugs are the most common form of hearing protection. They are generally made from wax, silicone, or memory foam, and can prevent damage that might otherwise be caused to the ear by loud noises or water. Certain types are also used to alleviate pain caused by pressure changes during travel by plane. Acoustic ear
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